Saturday, December 24, 2016

Star Stuff

Recently, I’ve been watching a program on TV called Star Talk, hosted by Neil deGrass Tyson. deGrasseTyson is an astrophysicist (say that three times in a row) who has become well-known because of his engaging, approachable personality and hands-on style of teaching difficult concepts. Topics range from Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics to Time Travel, Black Holes, Dark Matter, The Walking Dead and more. Yes, I said The Walking Dead.

The format of the show consists of Tyson doing interviews. Some are done via video conferencing and some in person with guests in the studio. The studio guests are normally a comedian and a professional in one of the fields mentioned above. They then proceed to discuss everything from philosophy to theoretical physics to string theory to pop culture. I love this show! It never fails to push me intellectually. I don’t pretend to fathom everything they discuss but I love trying to understand.

Once before, in April of 2015 I wrote a blog called Look Up about deGrasseTyson and his mentor, Carl Sagan. They both encouraged us to stretch our intellect and to never stop learning. When we think we know everything, we stop growing.

This time of year is the perfect time to remember this.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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