Thursday, January 12, 2017


During the holidays I started two terrific books. I have not finished either one due to the breakneck pace of the season. The most I could get through at night was a page or two before falling asleep. So, those two will have to wait until next month. Instead, I am reviewing a past read; indeed one of my favorites of all time: The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein.

This book was a revelation. It sat on my bookshelf, a gift from my brother, for a good year before I finally picked it up. I thought, from reading the book jacket, that I would probably like it but was in no hurry. How could a book about a dog be anything but fun, escapist fare? I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I have always believed animals to be somewhat mystical creatures. Dogs, in particular, evince a particular joy in life while giving unconditional love and an uncanny ability to heal. That healing can be physical, psychological and/or spiritual. Enzo, the dog in Racing gives a face to these beliefs. Humorous and profound, this novel is for everyone, animal lover or not. I loved this book.

Highly, highly recommend.

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