I read a quote
recently that literally took my breath. It gave me a moment of heart-stopping clarity.
I was starting a
new book…. Always with pleasure and anticipation…. And this quote was at the
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
with your one wild and precious life?”
Still I can’t read
it without being transfixed. I guess all of us are touched in different ways by
various things; Things which resonate with us on a primal level. I put the book
down. It was all I could handle at the moment. I was full. The quote is from New and Selected Poems by Mary Oliver.
First of all, a
while back I created a vision board. On it, one of the things I wanted more of
in my life was poetry. I wanted to know more about it, read more of it and be
exposed to more poets. Since that time, in the way of the Universe, poets
abound in my life. My mother was a gifted, published poet so I had an
appreciation for it… just not vast knowledge.
Still my knowledge about it would fit on the head of a pin. Not even.
But I love it and I love learning about new poets and old. Their words make my
heart sing. They make me see the world with fresh eyes. So there’s that.
So back to the
quote. We all have philosophies about life, even if we don’t call them “our
philosophy.” It struck me and I do mean “struck”, that this thing we so offhandedly call life, IS a wild
thing. A precious thing. And to live without intention is like circling a void.
I have never been
sure we only have one shot at life. But I do know that right now it’s the only
thing we can be sure of. As a teenager I loved to read Edgar Cayce. I loved his
belief that we are beings of light that live and re-live until we get it right.
But say, even if reincarnation is real… why would you waste any part of life, whether
it’s your only one or your one hundredth? Part of me feels like weeping for the
time lost already. Part of me wants to put it right.
So what are you
going to do with your “one wild and
precious life?”
I worry that I have squandered precious time! Hopefully, I still have enough to get clear and accomplish all the "stuff" I want to do!