Tuesday, May 22, 2018


It takes courage to get through this life. Even with an embarrassment of riches: family, looks, shelter, food, spiritual belief and strong relationships. Even with all of that, it’s not easy. It’s so evident when we see the tragic stories of those who seemingly have everything. So, does it come down to courage or some other indefinable quality? What is called inner fortitude?

There are those in my immediate circle that have had, and continue to have, unimaginable challenges; physical disabilities, deeply troubling medical problems, family tragedies, premature deaths; situations too troubling to conceive. How do they do it? Where do they get their strength? How do they cope? No one knows anyone’s dark night of the soul and we can never really see the struggle. But something gets them through.

It has been said that the original meaning of Courage comes from the Latin, meaning "heart." BrenĂ© Brown says the original meaning was to “tell the story of who you are with your whole heart.” That seems right.  

I wish I knew what it is. I wish I understood it. I know I admire it immensely. It helps me shrug off petty problems. I think it’s important to identify what you conceive of as your purpose. Your “heart,” if you will. If you are not sure, continue to look for it. When you do find it, you will know. Grab it. Hold on to it. Get on with it. No whining.


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