Sunday, March 25, 2018


How do you nourish yourself? It occurs to me that we spend the major portion of our lives doing every day, sustainability tasks. Things like doing laundry, cleaning house, going to and from work, checking email, texting, doing bills, working… however that looks for you. You get the picture. We all pretty much do all of these things. While these tasks are arguably necessary and provide a sense of order and security (and hopefully you like your job), they are peripheral in providing real nourishment.

The kind of nourishment I’m speaking about comes from being still, watching a spectacular sunset, watching a child stack blocks, watching a bird drink from a birdbath. Just breathing, noticing life around you; the color of a wildflower, the grace of trees, how the sunlight laces the ground as it shines through leaves; feeling the air on your face; noticing the light on the ocean. Meditating, reading, cooking a colorful meal for someone you love. Dancing, drawing just for pleasure. Too woo woo, you say?

I say no. It’s close to being everything. If not everything, right up in the top five. If this is not your cup of tea, I understand, but I think you’re missing out.

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