Friday, December 25, 2015

The Year 2015

I typically don’t wish away time but I won’t miss 2015.

I think I may have covered too many life bases this year: The tragic deaths of two good friends, unexpected hospitalizations, life threatening illnesses and unavoidable misunderstandings.

These events were tempered, fortunately, by a marriage, an upcoming birth, random celebrations, unforgettable beauty, laughter, and the grace and wisdom of friends.

Life, I guess. Just life. Still, feeling a need for some down time. I’m looking forward to Beach Time with family. This is always a time of great joy, a coming together, reconnecting, recovery and healing. I am so fortunate.

Here’s to less of the former and more of the latter. Here’s to now.

Happy, Happy, Happy Holidays.

Image Credit: Pablo McCloud

Always a journey, yes?


I’ve discovered another wonderful new author: Ruth Ozeki.

This month’s reading choice comes from a Book on Tape I loved so much, I had to buy in book form.

The narrator switches from Nao, a Japanese-American teenage girl living in Tokyo to Ruth, an older woman, also of Japanese extraction living on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest. Ruth, by chance, finds Nao’s diary washed up on the beach near her home.

We join Ruth in her reading of the diary and follow Nao’s heartbreaking struggle to navigate her life. The novel gracefully and seamlessly covers themes of coming of age, bullying, suicide, marriage, quantum physics and unanswered questions of mystical connection.

I didn’t want this book to end and can’t wait to read another by Ozeki. I’ve been so lucky in my book selections this year. 

Highly recommend.