Monday, December 31, 2012


Revelations occur at strange times.

Last night I was having a lovely, unexpected dinner with my husband, my son and his fiancĂ© and my daughter and her husband. I was practicing my “being present” mantra from my previous post. We have been at the beach at Kiawah Island for several days for our yearly, holiday get-together. We had planned to have dinner in Charleston at a place we have been many times, good food but kind of a tourist trap. At the last minute, we opted for a new place. The food was wonderful, the atmosphere golden, the wine, conversation and laughter flowed.

I tell you all this because during the course of the conversation the question of timing came up. It had to do with how and why each of us had met our mates. Each couple had a story about the perfect timing of their meeting. Any earlier or later in our lives, would have been too soon or too late. It made me realize that synchronicity may not be just a new-age buzz-word. There may be some Universal Truth at work. I believe that some events are random. I think. But there is indefatigable proof in my mind that there are other forces, be they spiritual or molecular, or both, at work. Furthermore I am convinced that this conversation would not have occurred at the other restaurant. Hmmmm….

So this brings me to my friend Connie’s blog: LOOSE LEMONS. She and a group of friends choose a “word” every year to represent what they want their journey to be for that year. I have been pondering. It seemed a rather significant and overwhelming choice. But now I have it. I confess I have two “phrases” rather than words. Hope that’s okay. First, practice really “being present”. Appreciate the wonder of now. Second be aware of the splendor of “timing”. I’ve given myself a tall order as they say. I’ll let you know how I do.

Happiest of New Years to Everyone.

1 comment:

  1. You know I haven't been writing much lately or reading it was surprising to see my name "in light" up there. Hope the phrases are working for you...I have one or two of those myself. I am convinced that the phrases and words work much better than any of those tired resolutions ever did. Resolve even sounds tedious!
