Friday, August 24, 2012

Media Epiphany

Okay, so I have had a huge realization. My recent return to the stage and the press surrounding it has taught me something. Never has so much been written about so little. Really. The one-act play I am doing is funny, true. It’s entertaining, true. But articles in every publication in town, constant Facebook advertising, a Twitter account and now FRONT PAGE of the newspaper? Are you kidding me? Suddenly we are sold-out. The playwright, Robbie Robertson, who is also our publicist/media guru, is responsible. He is a master of networking and blitzkrieg.

I have heard for a long time from professionals that getting your work out there into the media, using all formats, is important. You are supposed to create your own stir, so to speak. I resisted this for a good long time. I basically ignored it. I thought, “Who would really read all the hype, anyway?” I guess I am a throwback to Jane Austen. I just wanted to write. Not self-promote. Finally, a full year after a good friend said it was imperative, I created this blog. A slow study doesn’t quite cover it.

What this has taught me is, IT WORKS. Duh. However painful and makes me want-to-hide-under-the-bed-embarrassing, IT WORKS. If you create enough stir people will notice. I wish it was a different world. But it’s not. I still love Jane Austen. What on earth would she have done?

For Jane:)

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Okay, so here’s what I have been up to:

These women make me laugh so hard. I come home from rehearsals with a stomach ache. I call this “The Twitty Effect”. Because we may be the only ones that think we are funny! This is another part of my creative self. Acting/Performing. Acting used to be a greater passion for me than it is now. I still enjoy it but to a lesser degree. I would rather be creating stories for people to read than something for them to watch. How this transition occurred, I’m not sure. I do believe that expressing all parts of yourself is a good thing. An enriching thing. One nurtures and enhances the other… if not directly … then by keeping the fire lit. The juices flowing.

I sometimes think of these other adventures as fireflies that tug me away from my true purpose. Beautiful and wonderful to watch. Magical, really. But gone in the blink of an eye.