Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New Beginnings

Forgive me, any dear readers out there. I’ve been absent for a while. I’ve had many ideas for blogs over the last weeks but they have usually occurred just as I was falling asleep. Needless to say they never made it onto paper as the “old" saying goes. So today is my new beginning of the year…. a little late.

Last year, I started the precedent of picking a word or phrase for the year. Kind of like a vision board, a goal or a reminder for the year. Last year I had three.
One: Practice Being Present.
Two: Appreciate the Wonder of Now.
Three: Be Aware of the Splendor of Timing.

I have to admit I am still a work in progress on all of these. But reminding myself is half the battle, I say.

So, for 2014, in addition to keeping last year’s reminders always in the back of my mind, I have chosen my new year’s word and phrase.
One: Let go of my image of what I thought my life would be at this point. This is not serving me. It holds me back with regret. So, I’m letting it go to let in fresh images.
Two: Write. That’s it. Write. Pure and simply. Wherever it takes me. Do it. Write.

Here is to a Happy Year.

"The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe."

 — Joseph Campbell